- 1. 됐거든.Please don't say anything more. (Used to show that you are tired of hearing someone's excuses.)
- 낚였어.You got me. You had me going there.
- 낚았지?I got you, didn't I. I had you going, didn't I?
- 당근이지.
You bet./ Absolutely. - 썰렁하군.That's a lame joke.
- 분위기 망치게 (조지게) 하지마. / 초치지마.
Don't spoil the mood. - 너나 잘 해.None of your business. Mind your own business.
- 내 성질 건드리지 마.
Don't get on my nerves. - 뒷북치지마.Thanks for the history lesson. Hindsight is 20/20.
- 잘났어 정말. / 너 잘났다.
You are somethng else. - 어제 필름이 끊겼어.
I blacked out (from drinking) last night. - 그 사람 그거 참 잘~ 됐다. / 쌤통이다.
He deserves it. Serves him right. - 그래 니 팔뚝 (또는 니 X) 굵다.Yes, you're the man!
- 죽을만큼 마셔보자.Let's drink ourselves into stupor.
- 니가 나한테 어떻게 그럴 수 있니?
How could you do that to me? - 놀구 있네~~ 삽질 하네~~
Yeah. Right~ - 거기 물 좋다
That place rocks! That place kicks! - (문제의 답 등이) 너무쉽네/애걔(걔) 그게다야?
That's it? /Is that all? - 너도 내 입장이 되어봐
Put yourself in my shoes. - 저리 가. 꺼져!Take a hike.
- 너 정말 치사하다.
You're so cheap. - 음식 잘 먹었습니다.I've never eaten better.
- 이 짓이 지겨워 죽겠어.
This sucks! - 몇 시에 퇴근해요?What time do you call it a day?
- 야, 친구 좋다는 게 뭐야?Come on, what are friends for?
- 너무 감격해서 눈물이 난다.It was so touching, I almost cried.
- 미안해 할 것까지는 없어.There's nothing to be sorry about.
- 내게 고마워할 것까지는 없어.There's no need to thank me.
- 이보다 더 좋을 순 없다.It couldn't be better than this!
- 메롱Neh Neh Neh Boo Boo
- 섭섭(실망)하지않게 해드리겠습니다!You won't be disappointed!
- 나를 만만하게 보지마.Don't think I am that easy.
- 니가 하는 일이 다 그렇지 뭐.That's what you always do.
- 분위기 파악 좀 해라, 인간아.Consider your surroundings, you fool.
- 두고보자.
Just wait! I'll get (또는 pay) you back. - 가만히 있으면 중간이나 가지.
You should've kept quiet - 이번 한 번만 봐준다.I'm gonna let it slide only this time.
- 쟤는 어디가도 굶어죽진 않겠다.No matter where he goes, he'll do just fine.
- 너무많은걸 알려고하면 다쳐.Knowing too much will only hurt you.
- 제발 잘난 척 좀 그만해.Stop acting like you're something special.
- 네가 없으니 뭔가 허전한 기분이야.
I feel like something is missing when you're not here. - 장난이 좀 심하군.
Your joking is going a little too far. - 말장난 그만 합시다.
Let's stop playing word games - 내가 만만하게 보여?Do I look that easy?
- 다 엎어버리고 뛰쳐 나가고싶다.
I just want to drop everything and run away. - 여기 분위기 엄청 살벌하다. (삭막하다)The atmosphere here is very tense (hostile).
- 몸이 찌뿌둥하다
I feel heavy. - 오해 하지 마세요.Don't get me wrong.
- 몸이 날아갈 것 같애. /가뿐해.I feel light as a feather. I feel good.
- 기가막혀 말이 안나오네.It's so upset I'm speechless.
- 니 맘대로 하세요.Suit yourself.
- 괜히 나만 실없는사람 되었잖아.It just made me look irresponsible.
- 허리가 삐걱했어.I hurt my back.
- 허리를 다쳤어요.I threw out my back.
- 아직 옛날 실력 안 죽었어.I've still got it.
- 넌 이제 죽었어.You're dead meat!
- 너 들으라고 한 소리 아냐.Don't take it personally.
- 까꿍!Peekaboo!
- 알랑거리지마.Don't try to butter me up.
- 배째
Sue me! - 그게 어딘데?That's better than nothing
- 머리뚜껑이 열렸다.My head is about to split.
- 그녀는 이중 성격을 가졌어.She has a multiple personality (split personality)
- 어디론가 멀리 훌쩍 떠나고 싶다.I just want to go somewhere far away.
- (나에게) 너무 심한 것 아니예요?Don't you think you're being too harsh (on me)?
- 그렇게까지 할 필요는 없어.You don't have to do all that
- 나도 맘이 편하지는 않아.I don't feel good about it, either.
- 그다지 썩 내키지는 않는데.
I don't really feel like doing it - 생각보다 '별로'인데.
It's not as good as I expected. - 몸살에 걸려 온몸이 쑤신다.My whole body aches.
- 그 사람 똥배가 나왔어.
He has a big belly. - 넌 내 밥이야.
You're mine now! I've got you just where I want you. - 저 사람은 인간이 왜 저래?What's his problem? What's wrong with him?
- 바늘로 꼭꼭 찌르는 것 같다.It feels like a needle poking me
- 걔 원래 그런 애야.He's usually like that.
- 너 삐졌니?Are you mad at me? Are you pissed off?
- 이 싸가지 없는 녀석아 (싸가지 means 싹수.)You're a hopeless case.
- 그는 밥만 축낸다.Food is wasted on him.
- 그는 성격이 털털하고 시원시원하다.
He has an easy-going and cool attitude. - 있는 척 좀 하지 마.Stop acting (Don't act) like you are rich.
- 사람보면 아는척 좀 해봐라.Why are you acting like you don't know me?
- 쟨 정말 짜다! 어떻게 밥 한번 안사니?
He's so cheap. How can he not buy lunch even once? - 너 공주병이구나.You think you're special, don't you?
- 저 애는 내가 찍었어.That boy (girl) is mine. He (She) is on my list.
- 쟤는 날라리야.He's a player (with the girls).
- 그는 앞뒤가 꽉 막혔어.
He is so stubborn. - 내 입장이 정말 난처해.My position is very uncomfortable.
- 그 사람은 건방지게 굴어.He acts like he's something special.
- 쟤 손 좀 봐 줘야겠다.
He needs a lesson. - 잘난체 하는 걸 아니꼬와서 못 보겠군!
I can't stand watching him acting like he is something special. - 그녀는 마음을 잘 주지 않고 튕겨.She's playing hard to get.
- 그는 뒤로 호박씨 깐다.He does things behind people's backs
- 야~~. 신난다.Yeah! This is fun!
- 놔둬! 그냥 그러다가 말겠지 뭐.Leave him alone. He'll stop it eventually.
- 이 숙제 정말 짜증난다.This homework is very tedious.
- 그 사진 너무 야하다.That picture is too sexy.
- 너무 오바 하지마. (오바 is Konglish for "'over' exaggerate.")
Stop exaggerating. Don't over do it. - 쟤랑 걔랑 그렇고 그런 사이래.They are said to have a relationship.
- 걘 늘 요리조리 빠져나간단 말이야.He always gets away with stuff.
- 그냥 그렇다고 해, 뭘 자꾸 따져?Just say it. Don't argue.
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